EmilyTest Aware & Empowered sessions
The Aware and Empowered (A&E) educational programme was co-developed by EmilyTest and the City of Glasgow College.
A&E aims to spread awareness of gender-based violence (GBV) and its far-reaching implications, with the ultimate goal of empowering individuals to play a role in preventing such acts. By doing so, attendees can help to reshape the culture they are a part of.
This free two hour educational programme utilises testimonial storytelling and educational information paired with group discussions to cultivate an impactful session.
Attendees are encouraged to draw on their knowledge and experiences while engaging in discourse about the attitudes, behaviours and beliefs that sustain inequality and perpetuate acts of GBV.
The programme includes tailored sessions for both staff and student populations within colleges and universities. These sessions may help those attending to build upon their GBV work in their Student Mental Health Agreements.
All sessions will consist of:
- Emily’s Story
- Defining GBV, including coercive and controlling behaviours
- Examining prevalence rates
- Discussing intervention methods
- Signposting to institutional, local, and national resources
Upcoming sessions
You only need to attend one of these sessions. Capacity is limited, but if you would like to attend and the event is sold out, email training@emilytest.co.uk.