Ending Stigma and Discrimination: a guide
The effect stigma and discrimination can have on a student’s experience of education can be devastating. It impacts on confidence, self-belief and self-stigma – and also reduces attainment, retention and can potentially have financial implications. It can exacerbate mental illness and add to an already challenging situation. The majority of university and college staff and students want to support each other through illness and difficult times – but often discrimination and stigma arise through lack of knowledge and understanding, as well as fear of approaching the subject or situation.
This guide has been created to contribute to overcoming stigma and discrimination in universities and colleges, built from the experiences of students gathered through surveys, focus groups and workshops. It is hoped it provides a useful basis for increasing the knowledge and confidence of staff so that discrimination is avoided, tackled where it does occur, and reasonable adjustments are made for students so they can perform on an equal playing field to their peers.