If It’s Okay Campaign
What is the If It’s Okay Campaign?
“It’s okay to not be okay” is a very common phrase in mental health campaigning. But for many people struggling with mental illness, it doesn’t feel like it is okay.
A recent survey found that 60% of Scottish people think there is a great deal or fair amount of shame associated with mental illness.
The impact of this is that many people hide a mental illness, it can stop people from getting the help and support they need, make people feel alone and lead those living with a mental illness to withdraw from opportunities others may take for granted.
In an effort to raise awareness of this, and create change, members of the anti-stigma alliance have created the If It’s Okay campaign. The campaign is running across Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England.
The campaign – led in Scotland by See Me – aims to give a voice to people who don’t feel that it’s okay to speak about what they are going through, by looking at the impact stigma and shame still have.
What can you do?
- Help promote the campaign across your campus and on social media with students and staff – download on the See Me website.
- If you are feeling shame, there is support available and you can also get tips on how to speak about how you are feeling.
- If you think someone you know is feeling shame, you can find tips on how to start a conversation and also how you can help tackle stigma and discrimination.
For more information on the campaign, and what you can do, visit the See Me website.