QAA Scotland Event: Supporting learners to flourish in challenging times
This event has now happened. Find out more about the work of QAA Scotland.
This event, the second in QAA Scotland’s ‘Supporting our Learners to Thrive’ discussion series focuses on how college’s and universities can make the experience more equitable for learners during challenging times. This includes practical advice based on the latest research and examples of real impact.
The cost-of-living crisis is requiring Scotland’s students to balance competing demands on their time. Managing part-time employment and financial pressures on top of family and caring responsibilities can come at a cost to their ability to engage effectively with their studies.
The session will cover:
- How pre-arrival questionnaires can be used to shape provision to be more accessible for students.
- How the ‘art and science’ of timetabling can be used to maximize opportunities for students to attend on campus.
- How colleges and universities can support students to be effective independent learners wherever they may be studying.
At this event, attendees will get practical examples of actions and adjustments colleges and universities are making to support students that they can bring to their own institution.
Event details
- Thursday 22nd February 2024
- 13:00-14:15
- Online
- Book a place at the ‘Supporting our learners to flourish in challenging times, on and off campus’ event