Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Working Group
The Scottish Government’s Student Mental Health and Wellbeing working group restarted on 19th May 2022 after being temporarily paused due to COVID-19. The membership and remit of the group has been reviewed and updated.
The Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Working Group has the following remit:
To support the development of:
- The implementation of the Programme for Government commitments on additional counsellors in colleges and universities:
- The review of the funding methodology for counsellor provision to further address equity of access to services; and
- The evaluation of the outcomes of the investment in student mental health counsellors, to ensure funding is linked to outcomes.
To advise on:
- The development of an evidence based best practice and evaluation informed Student Mental Health Action Plan, which may include:
- The development of an integrated, preventative approach to student wellbeing in colleges and universities, including through all forms of physical activity
- Improved local partnerships, referral pathways and support mechanisms between colleges and universities, NHS Scotland, Health and Social Care Partnerships, local authorities and the third sector
- And to ensure the action plan links to ongoing initiatives in the Scottish Government’s wider Mental Health strategy
- Embedding mental health into the curriculum;
- The integration of work with NUS Scotland and their local student association to develop Student Mental Health Agreements with the development of the Action Plan.
- The development of integrated mental health and well-being resources for students on the SAAS and Student Information Scotland website.
- Collaboration across the public and third sector, on approaches to developing shared services and referral pathways within an enhancement framework.
- best practice in relation to institutions’ support for student mental health and wellbeing, including best practice on staff resources, practices and training
British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Heads of University Counselling Services