The Anti-Racist Curriculum Project Guide
What is the Anti-Racist Curriculum Project?
The Anti-Racist Curriculum Project built on the work of the Scottish Funding Council funded ‘Tackling Racism on Campus’ project. This included a strategic collaboration between Advance HE and the Enhancement Themes programme of activity, managed by QAA Scotland.
The project aimed “To support tertiary colleagues to systematically embed race equality in curricula throughout Scottish FE and HE.”
The output of the project was the creation of a Guide for institutions; getting started on their journey towards designing and delivering Anti-Racist Curricula.
The web-based ‘Guide’ serves as an online library of resources for everyone to explore at their own pace and adapt to their own needs.
There are 16 resources in a variety of media formats and includes:
- Briefings and overviews
- Allyship
- Language
- Barriers and Enablers
- Outlines for workshops and other templates
- Planning and embedding the work into the curriculum
Taken as a whole the Guide resources have been built in sequential order for individuals or organisations to progress through their own personal and collective development.
We know that racism can have have a lasting impact on students, affecting their mental health, career progression and overall wellbeing at college and university.
Access the Anti-Racist Curriculum Project Guide.