Time To Talk Day
Time to Talk Day 2025 by See Me Scotland will take place on Thursday 6 February.
If you haven’t been involved in Time to Talk Day before, it is an annual campaign running across the whole of the UK, designed to get people talking about mental health.
Due to the stigma that still exists, mental health can be an uncomfortable topic for some people, putting them off opening up and getting help when they need it most.
Talking openly and honestly can be the first step towards better mental health for everyone. It can reduce stigma and help people feel comfortable enough to seek help when we need it.
See Me runs the campaign in Scotland, and the theme for this year is, ‘Get comfortable and start talking about mental health’.
Getting involved
For the first time, they have developed a further and higher education activity pack. We know Colleges, Universities and students’ associations are always looking for ways to engage students and talk about mental health.
The activity pack for further and higher education institutions can be downloaded from See Me Scotland’s website. They also have many more free resources, including interactive digital resources like Time to Talk bingo and True or False.
To get inspiration, you can find out more about the sort of events and activities that have taken place in previous years over on See Me Scotland’s website.