ScotSMART is a research network for student mental health in Scotland funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh. They are trying to find out what mental health and/or wellbeing interventions are offered within Scottish Higher Education Institutions. By intervention, they mean any event(s) or action taken to promote the positive mental health and wellbeing of …
ScotSMART Annual Event
The Scottish Student Mental Health Research Network (ScotSMART) is a research network for student mental health in Scotland. It brings together academics, professional services, practitioners and other student mental health stakeholders to address a broad range of topics and to facilitate research and knowledge exchange opportunities across the Scottish Higher Education sector. This event is …
ScotSMART research working groups
ScotSMART (Scottish Student Mental Health Research) are looking for working group members for four new strands of research. They are looking for students, academics and practitioners to join one of four working groups: If you are interested in being part of one of the working groups, email ScotSMART.
Setting the agenda for Scottish Student Mental Health Research Event
The Scottish Student Mental Health Research Network (ScotSMART) is a recently formed network, which focusses on student mental health in Scotland. It brings together academics, professional services, practitioners and other student mental health stakeholders to address a broad range of topics and to facilitate research and knowledge exchange opportunities across the Scottish Higher Education sector. …
A new network to boost research into student mental health
A new network to boost research into student mental health and wellbeing in Scotland has been launched. The Scottish Student Mental Health Research Network (ScotSMART) will bring together expert knowledge to help universities develop and co-ordinate research projects to improve current support for students. ScotSMART will help students’ wellbeing by providing a hub for academics …