Student Information Scotland provided by the Scottish Government is designed for students, parents and carers. It places all the further and higher education funding information available into one place, helping new and current students make informed choices. You will find free information on the below: Visit Student Information Scotland to find out more.
Scottish Government
Time, Space, Compassion: Introductory Guide
The Scottish Government have produced an introductory guide to the Time Space Compassion principles and approach – a relationship and person centred approach to improving suicidal crisis. The guide has been developed for use by people and services who regularly come into contact and support people experiencing suicidal crisis. This could be useful for staff …
Student engagement event for Mental Health Strategy
The Scottish Government is developing a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The new strategy will allow us to look ahead to make sure we are doing the right things to meet the mental health needs of people over the coming years. It will set out a clear vision for future population mental health, wellbeing …