The project brings together the student association and university to work jointly on mental health initiatives on campus. Last year, almost a quarter of a million students in Scotland were positively impacted by their institution developing a Student Mental Health Agreement!
Think Positive
Small Grant Scheme
This project enables Student Mental Health Agreement project participants to apply for a small grant to help get their idea/project/campaign off the ground. This work must be linked to participants Student Mental Health Agreement. In this area you’ll find a collection of resources including summaries of what participants have been awarded for and FAQ’s.
Self-Harm Network Scotland – Penumbra
Think Positive Impact Report 2022-23
This report summarises some of the key highlights of the Think Positive project during academic year 2022-2023. This year has been a record breaking year for Think Positive with 86% of all colleges, universities and students’ associations working with us to promote and develop their mental health support offer. Project participants across Scotland provided anonymous …
The Forum – June
The Forum brings together representatives from colleges, universities and students’ associations across Scotland who lead on SMHA work at their institution. What is this space for? • An online platform for SMHA project participants across Scotland to share what they’ve been up to with each other. • Offer a supportive space to share ideas, discuss challenges …