Broke: How Scotland is failing its students NUS Scotland has launched new research on the state of student poverty in Scotland.
Improving mental health and wellbeing support for Scotland – Think Positive Research
Research by BSV Associates for the National Union of Students Scotland. Think Positive, funded by the Scottish Government, commissioned research to evaluate the effectiveness of student mental health support in Scotland and to support the FE and HE sectors to further develop appropriate practice in the delivery of mental health and wellbeing services to students. …
Small Grant Scheme Summary of work 2019-2020
This resource brings together the fantastic work colleges, universities and students’ associations took forward after being awarded funds through Think Positive’s Small Grant Scheme during 2019-2020.
Breaking the silence report
The NUS Scotland 2010 report, Silently Stressed, quantified headline figures and provided a basic knowledge of these issues. In recognition of this, NUS Scotland has conducted further research to improve the depth of knowledge and understanding behind these figures. As such, student focus groups and staff interviews were conducted at seven colleges and universities across …
Silently stressed report
Many universities, colleges and mental health agencies have recognised the growing issue of student mental ill health. However little research exists to tell us why mental ill health is on the increase among students and what issues in particular concern them. In recognition of this, NUS Scotland conducted research into student stress and support. The …