College Development Network are hosting an online event focusing on raising awareness and combating sextortion and human trafficking in Scotland’s college and university communities. You will learn more on the topic and find out about resources and how you can support students in this situation. SMHA project participants may want to consider including learning from …
College Development Network
CDN event: Getting started on the trauma informed journey
‘Getting Started on the Trauma Informed Journey’ is the first in a series of webinars hosted by College Development Network (CDN). The webinar series designed to offer insight and expertise and shared opportunities to discuss best practice across the college sector. As they build a Community of Practice and begin work on embedding Trauma Informed …
Corporate Parenting in Colleges
College Development Network are offering a free, online course for all staff working in Scotland’s colleges and students’ associations focused on Corporate Parenting. What Is Corporate Parenting? Colleges are Corporate Parents, which means under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 colleges must work to uphold the rights and safeguard the wellbeing of ‘looked after’ children and young people, and …
CDN Trauma-Informed College Programme
In session 2023-2024, College Development Network will launch a new programme aimed at facilitating the creation of a trauma-informed culture in every college in Scotland. Programme overview The programme will provide training, resources and interventions that will help colleges tackle the challenges faced by learners and their communities in accessing and sustaining their participation in …
Meeting students’ mental health & wellbeing needs: panel discussion
On 28th March 2023 CDN’s College Expo Roadshow hosted an incredibly thought provoking panel discussion on meeting students’ mental health and wellbeing needs. The panel discussion chaired by Jon Vincent, Principal, Glasgow Clyde College, during this hybrid event focussed on approaches that have been developed and implemented to meet student mental health and wellbeing needs over …