CDN event: Getting started on the trauma informed journey
‘Getting Started on the Trauma Informed Journey’ is the first in a series of webinars hosted by College Development Network (CDN).
The webinar series designed to offer insight and expertise and shared opportunities to discuss best practice across the college sector.
As they build a Community of Practice and begin work on embedding Trauma Informed approaches, they will have speakers from Ayrshire College, Glasgow Clyde College and West Lothian College joining to share their experiences of bringing people and ideas together.
The focus of this webinar is supporting college leads looking to establish Working/Steering Groups and trauma informed approaches in their own college.
Event details
- Register for ‘Getting Started on the Trauma Informed Journey’. The event is free to attend.
- Wednesday, 29th May @ 4pm.
- The webinar will be held on Zoom (Zoom ID and passcode emailed to 24 hours in advance).
The event will be primarily helpful for colleges and staff who are part of CDN’s Trauma Informed College programme.