This free conference from Suicide Prevention Scotland will bring together Scotland’s broad community working directly or indirectly to prevent suicide. Suicide Prevention Scotland is a community of people working together to prevent suicide across Scotland and deliver Creating Hope Together, COSLA and the Scottish Government’s suicide prevention strategy and action plan. Their community includes people working across different …
Hub For Success Event: Supporting Care experienced students
The Hub for Success is a partnership supporting people with care experience to get in, stay in and return to education. Through a series of talks, workshops and group activities attendees will have the opportunity to explore: This event is suitable for those supporting care experienced students in college and university settings. Event details Learn …
QAA Scotland Event: Supporting learners to flourish in challenging times
This event has now happened. Find out more about the work of QAA Scotland. This event, the second in QAA Scotland’s ‘Supporting our Learners to Thrive’ discussion series focuses on how college’s and universities can make the experience more equitable for learners during challenging times. This includes practical advice based on the latest research and …
The Forum – January
The Forum brings together representatives from colleges, universities and students’ associations across Scotland who lead on SMHA work at their institution. What is this space for? • An online platform for SMHA project participants across Scotland to share what they’ve been up to with each other. • Offer a supportive space to share ideas, discuss challenges …
The Forum – December
The Forum brings together representatives from colleges, universities and students’ associations across Scotland who lead on SMHA work at their institution. What is this space for? • An online platform for SMHA project participants across Scotland to share what they’ve been up to with each other. • Offer a supportive space to share ideas, discuss challenges …