Voices of Experience (VOX) Scotland members created a ‘making co-production work’ guide to help raise awareness of what needs to be considered in relation to co-production and mental health. The guide will support professionals and organisations to genuinely co-produce work with people who have lived experience of mental ill health. The guide covers 4 key …
Guides, Toolkits & Templates
The Anti-Racist Curriculum Project Guide
What is the Anti-Racist Curriculum Project? The Anti-Racist Curriculum Project built on the work of the Scottish Funding Council funded ‘Tackling Racism on Campus’ project. This included a strategic collaboration between Advance HE and the Enhancement Themes programme of activity, managed by QAA Scotland. The project aimed “To support tertiary colleagues to systematically embed race equality …
Equate Scotland Student Groups & Champions
Having a support network at college or university can be really beneficial to students mental health and wellbeing. Having the support of peers, of students who are in a similar field of study, or who are interested in similar activities can help students to feel supported and included. Equate Scotland have a useful guide to …
With Us, For Us Project
With Us, For Us provided an opportunity for people living with trauma and/or have been given a diagnosis of personality disorder to share their experiences of accessing services and their ideas for improvement. A Lived Experience Project Group (LEPG) worked with Scottish Recovery Network and VOX Scotland at all stages of the project – designing, …
SAMH suicide guides
SAMH work to equip communities with the tools and information to talk about suicide, seek help, and receive localised support quickly. Some of the work SAMH does involves producing information and resources so that anyone affected by suicide in Scotland has access to the information they need. They have a national campaign called ‘Ask Them …