Scottish Recovery Network are hosting a series of 60 minute webinars around Peer Support. We know that Colleges, Universities and students’ associations use peer support as part of their package of support offered to students. This is highlighted throughout the Student Mental Health Agreements in place. This series of free webinars may be relevant for those involved in mental health work at …
Presentation and Workshops
Exploring experiences of psychosis workshop
CAPS is an independent advocacy organisation. The main purpose of CAPS’ work is to assist people, through advocacy, as individuals or as members of a group, to set their own agenda, make their wishes known and to have a say in how they live and what services they use. They are hosting a free workshop which will …
LGBTQIA+ Mental Health in Scotland Networking Event
The LGBTQIA+ Mental Health Network was set up earlier this year, with a key aim of bringing the LGBTQIA+ community together. They held their first in-person network development events earlier this summer and are now hosting an online event in which attendees will learn more about LGBTQIA+ mental health networks with like-minded people and work out …
Experiences and challenges in education of deaf young people in Scotland
Education Scotland, the British Deaf Association (Scotland), and Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT) worked with deaf young people to co-produce this case study detailing the experiences and challenges of young deaf people in accessing education in Scotland. The case study provides insight on the experiences and challenges of four deaf young people in Scotland …
CDN event: Getting started on the trauma informed journey
‘Getting Started on the Trauma Informed Journey’ is the first in a series of webinars hosted by College Development Network (CDN). The webinar series designed to offer insight and expertise and shared opportunities to discuss best practice across the college sector. As they build a Community of Practice and begin work on embedding Trauma Informed …